Information about school start


When you arrive to a university from a different country, there are lots of things you need to know - from residence permit and medical care, to student card and bank account, etc. Useful information for international students coming to Pécs can be found on this link: Upon Arrival (


Academic year calendar

The University or the Faculty publishes the calendar for the academic year before the current academic term. The Academic Year Calendar contains the most important events of the semester and the dates, times and deadlines associated with them. The calendar may be changed before the beginning of the semester, but only in exceptional cases and for good cause during the semester. It is essential that deadlines for events and activities are respected, and no late action is possible.


Class Schedule

The Class Schedules are avablie on Neptun unified education system: Studies → Class schedule → Institution class schedule.


Neptun unified education system

The University of Pécs uses the Neptun unified eduation system to register student data and organise study procedures. With the help of the study system, you can find out directly, online, about the tasks related to your studies, the data registered about you, the financial information concerning you, and you can also participate in the procedures related to your studies. The system can be found at University of Pécs | Neptun Unified Education System ( Please select the Neptun student icon!

Every student has the right and the duty to use the Neptun unified education system, as this is the interface where they enrol (see later), register or suspend their student status, take/leave courses, and register for exams in the following semesters.


To start your studies, you must be a student. The student status is established upon enrolment.



Enrolment period: 23.08.2022 –  04.09.2022

Enrolment and matriculation are online. You can do so in the online education system, Neptun. The username and password will be sent to you via email by the university. You should change the password when you first log in: Neptun → My Data → Settings → Change password.

  • Enable pop-up windows in your browser!
  • You can only enrol during the given enrolment period!
  • Neptun → Administration → enrollment/registration → 2022/23/1 row, + sign → enrolment → active → declaration → fill and check data → enrolment/registration.
  • Once you have saved the electronically completed form (enrolment form), print it out, sign it, send it via e-mail or hand it in to the Faculty's Registar's Office - as your enrolment will not be valid without it.
  • The enrolment of a student admitted on a self-financing basis will be valid if you return two copies of the Training and Fee Payment Agreement, signed by yourself, to the Faculty's Registar's Office. Neptun → Studies → Official notes
  • In addition to the signed enrolment form, please send or present in person a copy of your identity card, passport, medical paper, high school diploma, trascript of records and languge certificate  uploaded on DeamApply.


Registration for courses

During the course registration period, after enrolment/registration - see the academic year schedule - you must add the courses for the semester in Neptun. The subjects to be added/collected can be found in the curriculum of the courses ( and are also indicated on the subject/course enrolment pages of Neptun.

Registration will start on 30 August 2022 and close on 18 September 2022 at 23:59!

After the end of the course registration, i.e. after 16 September 2022, students are obliged to check their registered subjects in the Neptun unified education system! Complaints and requests for changes can be made within 8 working days after the closing date, after that no changes can be made!



Other important information

As an enrolled, active student, you will be entitled to a student card. As a first step in the application process, you will need to go to one of the Government Offices, where your photo and signature will be recorded on the NEK Data Matching Form. For more information, please visit The earliest time the University can forward your application, recorded in the Neptun unified education system, to the Education Office is early September (after the start of the academic term). Once your application has been accepted by the Education Office (usually a few days), you will receive a certificate entitling you to a travel discount.

If you are enrolled on a Bachelor's degree course in Pre-School Teacher, you will need to undergo an occupational health assessment before you can take part in the prectice, as kindergardens are considered to be a priority workplace for epidemiological reasons.

The Faculty will organise the aptitude tests, the date and place of the test will be communicated later via the Neptun unified education system.


How to apply for the exam, the exams

To demonstrate and check the knowledge acquired during the period of study, the examination period. The duration of the examination period is at least 20 working days per semester. At knowledge is tested by means of mid-year assessment (see above) or by examination during the examination period, the final examination. Assessment of knowledge and assessment of studies are specified in the curriculum for the subjects/courses and courses of study shall be communicated to the students when the courses and subjects are announced in the curriculum. The examination will take place during the examination period, in the official premises of the University, on which the subject/course knowledge acquired during the semester of the subject or course is tested by the examiner (usually the course instructor). written or oral. The instructor may provide specific exam topics for preparation, but this not compulsory. In the oral examination, typically, a paper may be drawn and then, after a preparation period, the candidate may be given but the examiner has the right to choose from the entire semester's material The examiner may ask questions from the whole semester without giving a time limit. The examination, if the course curriculum requires it, is usually held over several semesters (not necessarily in the same semester). (Complex) examinations, which can only be taken in front of a committee may be taken only by a committee. Credit is awarded for completion depending on the curriculum. A special examination for academic reasons for the purposes of the conditions for dismissal for cause. Publication of examinations: for information purposes, in the semester timetable published by the faculty the date of the beginning of the registration for the examination. This means that the instructor of the subject/course. The exam dates are announced in Neptun, from which the students can register for the exams. After registering for the exam, it is possible to transfer to another form if the exam date is not suitable and there is still a place available on the other date, you can switch to the other form. A the system allows you to unregister from the examination platform up to 36 hours before the examination date, and closes registration 24 hours before the examination date.

In order to check the knowledge of a subject/course during the examination period, students are given three examination dates. Students must organise their examinations in such a way that to be able to take the three examinations on the basis of the announced dates, if necessary the three examination periods. If a student fails to use the first or second examination opportunity advertised the number of opportunities will be reduced and the instructor (the Faculty) will not be obliged to provide any further to announce further appointments. The first and, if necessary, the second examination of the subject/course in the semester in question examination (remedial examination) is free of charge. The third time (revision examination) is subject to a fee. The fee is payable by bank transfer or by payment at the university cash offices. The fee must be paid before the start of the examination before the start of the examination!

 Information concerning the cash payment options of students