Program 2024 fall

Doctoral School of Philosophy

University of Pécs

János Boros Professor

the head of the school



Haffner-Kiss Alexandra


Pécs, 4 September 2023.



2023/24 academic year autumn semester



Training annex to the doctoral school regulations for first and second year students


Online seminars weekly: MS Teams, PTE Philosophy Doctoral School "window". The un. EHA code to enter. For technical details please contact Alexandra Haffner-Kiss.


After enrolment, you must take the Philosophy I course in Neptun.


Students with an MA in Philosophy or a previous five-year philosophy degree will receive individual training, in consultation with their subject leader or the Head of School, for whom the following timetable is indicative. Participation is optional. For doctoral students with a non-philosophy MA, the following courses are a prerequisite for completing the semester. Online participation in seminars and attendance at the Saturday study days is compulsory and forms part of the condition for completion.


Online seminar, 30 minutes per week:


Tuesday 17 h-17.30 h (5-5.30 pm)


History of philosophy online




1.     In-person participation in the online seminar.

2.     Minimum 3, maximum 5 page essay. For the topic of most interest to the student during the semester: a summary of an author's work, a topic, and a justification of why the topic appealed to him/her. The essay should be submitted by appointment to the teacher of the chosen topic or to any teacher in the doctoral school. Proof of completion should be sent by email to the head of the secretariat, Alexandra Haffner-Kiss



Submission: any time during the semester, until 30 November.

After receipt of the certificates, the semester will be accepted with credits

All 240 credits of the doctoral programme must be completed by the end of the fourth year. Students who meet the study requirements will receive a certificate of 30 credits at the end of each semester.


The lessons provide the basic knowledge required for the complex examination at the end of the fourth semester.



Research seminars, consultations


Compulsory for all doctoral students. All members and lecturers of the doctoral school provide research consultations to students who visit them or who have a supervisor. The teachers of the School do not necessarily organise classes as research seminars, but consult and recommend literature at the request of the students who visit them.

The consultations are not seminars, but they are research seminars. Their research topics are indicated in the doctoral school programme. The completion of the research seminar is indicated by the teacher of choice to the school secretariat at the end of the semester. Some of the research seminars are organised on a weekly basis as seminars.


The following research seminars are announced in Hungarian as seminars. Students who wish to participate in a seminar should email the teacher to indicate their interest:


Wednesday 10h-11.30h

János Boros, Immanuel Kant, The Critique of Judgement

MS Teams


Beáta Laki, Dóra Rippl, Philosophical analysis of artificial intelligence

MS Teams

Recent scientific studies will be examined in the context of the general philosophical context of artificial intelligence, and creative text generation tasks will be explored. The latter aims to provide an AI perspective on philosophical issues such as the definition of the human, the AI phenomenon beyond the algorithm, or the notion of "novelty" beyond technology, by creating imaginary dialogues.

Those interested in the seminar should write directly to Dóra Rippl at the above email address. Appointments will be made later.


Teachers at the Doctoral School, who can be contacted for research seminars, consultations, and tutorials in English:


Professor György Andrássy -

Philosophy of law, Philosophy of politics, Theories of justice, Philosophy of history (Kant, Hegel, Marx)



Professor János Boros - History of Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, I. Kant, Pragmatism, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology, Ethics, Analytic Philosophy.


Imre Bús college teacher - Philosophy of education.


Janka Nagy Professor Teodóra Nagy - Philosophy of Society, Philosophy of Sociology


Professor Zsolt Nemeskéri - Economic Philosophy, Ethics


Professor Gábor Szécsi - Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Communication, Philosophy of Culture


László Kocsis Assistant Professor - Metaphysics, Theory of knowledge, Theories of truth, Analytic philosophy, B. Russell, L. Wittgenstein, Armstrong.


Professor Jolán Orbán - Deconstruction, Philosophy of Literature, Philosophy of Art


Professor Tamás Demeter - D. Hume, Scottish Enlightenment, Philosophy of Science


Professor Attila Sík - Neurophilosophy, Neuroethics, Neuroaesthetics, Philosophy of mind, Philosophy of mind


Professor Gusztáv Kovács - Ethics, Bioethics, Philosophy of Religion


Ferenc András Associate Professor - Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Communication


Krisztián Pete Assistant Professor - Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Communication, Analytic Philosophy, Logic.


Dóra Rippl Assistant Professor - Ancient Philosophy, Plato, Philosophy of Art, Artificial Intelligence


Tibor Szolcsányi Assistant Professor - Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Action, Logic, Bio- and Medical Ethics


Zuh Deodáth research fellow - Phenomenology, Husserl, Philosophy of art


Beáta Laki Assistant Professor - Bioethics, Medical Ethics, Human Rights


Ádám Tamás Tuboly Assistant Professor - Philosophy of Science, Theory of Knowledge, Logic


Ertüngealp Alpaslan PhD, Lecturer (University of Monza) - Philosophy of Music





On the following Saturdays, all 1st-4th semester doctoral students will have a full-day attendance programme with lectures. Attendance is also compulsory for English-speaking students. For them, there will be an English summary at the end of the lecture in Hungarian.



Saturday 23 September


Saturday 11 November


Saturday 25 November







Detailed programme


History of philosophy

Online MSTeams "Doctoral School of Philosophy"

Tuesday 17h-17.30h




The internet encyclopaedia articles provided are for information only.

The content of each lesson is determined by the teacher, and the teacher's point of view and the content of his/her lecture may differ from the content of the articles.

At the end of most articles, a bibliography is provided to allow further understanding and research.

The lessons are introductory, not a substitute for individual work on the topics.




19 September Enlightenment - János Boros


French Enlightenment: Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier (1657-1757), Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat baron de (1689-1755), Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de (1698-1759), Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet (1694-1778), Vauvenargues, Luc de Clapiers (1715-1747), Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de (1714-1780), Helvétius, Claude Adrien (1715-1771).

The encyclopaedia: Diderot, Denis (1713-1784), d'Alambert, Jean le Rond (1717-1783)

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778)

German Enlightenment: Christian Thomasius (1655-1728), Christian Wolff (1679-1754), Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786), Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781), Johann Georg Hamann (1730-1788), Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803), Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi (1804-1851)

The development of the history of philosophy.

The history of philosophy as a philosophical discipline.

Spruce, Schelling


26 September G. W. F. Hegel - György Andrássy


3 October Hegel and K. Marx - György Andrássy


10 October K. Marx - György Andrassy


17 October. H. Bergson - Dóra Dergez-Rippl


24 October A. Schopenhauer, Pragmatism, F. Nietzsche - János Boros


7 November B. Russell (logical atomism) - László Kocsis


14 November L. Wittgenstein (Tractatus) - László Kocsis


21 November E. Husserl - Zuh Deodáth


28 November M. Heidegger - János Boros


5 December R. Carnap and the Vienna Circle - Adam Tuboly






Saturday study day programme

(Personal presence)




University of Pécs

(The location of the room will be announced later.)




Saturday 23 September


A brief introduction to philosophical research and trends


11h00-11h15 Welcome, information - János Boros


11h15-12h45 Krisztián Pete, Analytic philosophy


12h45-13h15 Break


13h15-14h45 Tibor Szolcsányi, Questions of bioethics



Saturday 11 November



11h00-11h15 Welcome, information - János Boros


11h15-12h45 Zsolt Garai, Aristotle


12h45-13h15 Break


13h15-14h45 Dóra Dergez-Rippl, Artificial intelligence - artificial soul?



Saturday 25 November


11h00-12h30 Adam Tuboly, Conspiracy theories and the philosophy of science


12h30-13h00 Break


13h00-14h30h Beáta Laki, The main problems of medical ethics