Our Faculty’s aims
Become your best!
We think it is important to educate students, and not only to guide their intellectual development but also support their emotional well being, to avoid students’ failures and difficulties we offer mental counselling to strengthen students and their self-esteem to protect their health and motivation. Our mentors work together to support students, improve the efficiency of their studies and achievements, help them enjoy their university years and strengthen their professional development. Students are important to us. Students are the future.
What is it about?
Students can find help in the forms of:
- Individual or group counselling
- Emotional support
- Professional counselling
- Coordination of life events
- We help international students
- to overcome intercultural difficulties
- in their adjustment to new culture
- to overcome culture shock
What is the purpose of mentoring at the unversity?
Our purpose is to help students find their strength, develop their competencies (become your best!), to help them find their professional identity, to develop leadership skills so as to become efficient learners, gain professional experience so as to strengthen their self-esteem, so as to become competent professionals, avoid failures and prevent leaving the career path, supporting acquisition of degrees, diploma.
Who can join?
All official students of the Faculty. Motivated students who want to keep their strengths, who are willing to work on themselves. Students who have difficulties in their academic studies.
What does it include?
- Help in difficult situations (family crisis, family problems, problems of communication, transgenerational problems)
- Help in problems with your studies: spiritual, emotional or technical aspects (official request forms for your studies)
- Help and competence development in the case of learning difficulties (dyslexia, attention deficit, atypical competencies)
- Help with research paper writing, presentation techniques, learning techniques
What forms can Mentoring take?
- Individual counselling
- Counselling for groups
- in quarantine consultations online (via Zoom, Teams or Messenger)
- Self help and orientation development
- Team-building and recreational events
- Charity events and volunteering
- Doing good will improve self-esteem, self-respect and thus self-positioning
- Organized workshops, thematic counselling, workshops in common probelms: e.g. relationships, procrastination, sleep-deprivation, addictions, self-realization, career planning, learning difficulties, handlind loss, mourning, management of emotions, anger, feelings
Who can you turn to?
- Our student mentors: They can help you find the contact person or the solutions directly
- You can take part in consultations, led by our mentors
- You can contact our mentor professors and lecturers
Mentor lecturers and professors:
Dr. Tamás Brachinger Ph.D
Dr. Zsuzsanna Schnell Ph.D
Student mentors:
Elisabeth Fabisz
Fields of our mentors:
Dr. Tamás Brachinger Ph.D
- Personal learning goals, finding and achieving these
- Tutoring in social sciences
- Goals and purposes for personal development
- Help and consultation
- Monitoring
- During the pandemic online
- After the pandemic personal contact based individual counselling
Dr. Zsuzsanna Schnell Ph.D
- Cognitive and mental difficulties
- Family problems and transgenerational problems
- Atypical cognitive and language development (dyslexia, attention deficit, cognitive difficulties in learning)
- Presentation techniques
- Emotional and psychological difficulties
- Problems of communication
Framework and planned events:
- Individulal counselling via Zoom or Teams
- Group counselling and trainings (personality tests, self-knowledge based development, communication skills and workshop of conflict resolution
- Teambuilding: Recreational and charity activities on a voluntary basis: dragonboat and outdoor cooking tournament, charity running of the University of Pécs
- Do good, Feel good!
Fields of our student mentor:
Elizabeth Fabisz
- Help in social work, sociology, psychology
- legal advice in the completion of courses
- Support in thesis and seminar paper writing
- Emotional and psychological problems
- Learning techniques and skills
Framework: Individual counselling and consultation online (Messenger, e-mail, videochat, Zoom, Microsoft Teams)
Who to turn to?
In educational affairs (for forms, for permissions to postpone an exam, etc.): to the Registrar’s Office
Registrar’s Office: -
Kinga Mohai:
Katalin Németh:
Psychotherapy and counselling at the University of Pécs
For international students:
Difficulties of an independent learner
- Do you have financial difficulties with your life or studies?
- Student jobs at our faculty are available at: (click on „pályázatok”, „ösztöndíjjak”)
- PTE-KPVK student work and part-time jobs: (facebook group, after graduation support):
- Work and jobs for students outside the University of Pécs:
Support in learning difficulties
- Self-knowledge is key in understanding your strengths and weaknesses
- This will help you find an efficient study method and technique for better grades
- Type of learner specific techniques and skills
Training comptencies:
- Pesentation techniques workshop
- Research paper writing
- Thesis and seminar paper writing
Psychological support and counselling:
- Mentoring helps you cope with stress and public speaking apprehension
- We offer presentation and speaking skills development
- Help in finding your positive sources of motivation for sustainable learning and for self-esteem in your studies
Team-building and charity
Charity running of the University of Pécs – Do good, Feel good!
Team-building and recreational and sports events of the University of Pécs:
Dragonboat Tournament and outdoor cooking competition
Future programs
- To cope with anxiety, apprehension and stress:
- Animal and dog therapy to reduce stress
- Recreational programs (Yoga, filmclub)
- Volunteering to do charity (charity running)
- Recreational and sports events organized by the Sports Office of the UP: dragonboat tournament and outdoor cooking competition