The Process of the Complex Exam

Complex exam is to be made latest at the end of the fourth semester.

The exam is made up of two theoretical and two dissertational parts. The examinee is elaborating on and presenting the themes as an autonomously thinking philosophy doctoral candidate.

The bibliography of the exam is to be discussed with her/his supervisor. The bibliography of the exam then needs to be signed by the head of the school and handed in electronically to the school secretariat by latest the end of the third semester.


Theoretical part

  1. History of philosophy

The history of philosophy from the philosophers before Socrates to the present day.

This part is about her/his own interpretation of the history of philosophy. After a comprehensive outline, she/he highlights the people and eras that and whom she/he considers decisive, significant, and speaks of them.

  1. Systematic philosophy

The student chooses a branch of philosophy (e.g., metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, philosophy of science, philosophy of society and so on) or a single philosopher (Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, etc.). It is advisable to have that field or that philosopher to choose from whom or whose work she/he is writing her/his dissertation. The characteristics of the selected area, description of the context, current literature, developments, or the work of the chosen author, the description of the contemporary literature and research results concerning it.


Dissertation part

  1. The topic of the dissertation

Justification for the choice of topic. Description and evaluation of the contemporary literature on the topic and your position.

  1. Presentation of the work so far

Description of the work done so far and the results achieved. The novelty of the dissertation contrast with other researches in the field.