2024/2025 academic year spring semester

Doctoral School of Philosophy

University of Pécs

Pécs, 14 January 2025.

Training schedule

2024/25 academic year spring semester


Tuesday 16h-17.30h MS Teams online class



  1. In-person participation in the online seminar.
  2.  One essay of at least 3 pages, no longer than 5 pages. For the topic of most interest to the student: a summary of the work of an author or period and a justification of why the author or period appealed to them. The essay should be submitted to the teacher of the chosen topic by prior arrangement. The teacher will send an email to the head of the secretariat, Alexandra Haffner-Kiss, confirming completion of the assignment haffner-kiss.alexandra@pte.hu


Submission: any time during the semester, until 31 May.

Once the certificates have been received, the semester will be accepted


In addition to the basic philosophical knowledge required for doctoral studies, the courses provide the basic knowledge of the history of philosophy and philosophy required for the complex examination at the end of the fourth semester.


Research seminars

Compulsory for all doctoral students.

Supervisors can hold individual research seminars for their own theme leaders. This should be agreed individually with the subject leader.


MS Teams interface


János Boros, Immanuel Kant, Critique of Judgment online seminar.

Wednesday 10h-11.30h

A continuation of the seminar started in the previous semester. We will ensure a smooth integration of newly admitted students.

New students can apply atborosjanos54@gmail.com .


Dóra Rippl, Beáta Laki

Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence: MindOn seminar

Appointment via email.

Explore the interaction between sciences by reading current articles and studies.

The date of the seminar will be set by the speakers at a later date.



Kristóf Nyíri Philosophy of communication and the power elite force field seminar

Thursday 16-17.30h. First session: 6 February.







Online seminar mandatory for all students preparing for the complex exam, MS Teams


Recommended literature





4 February.

Ancient Philosophy - Medieval Philosophy (4th-14th c.) - Boros János borosjanos54@gmail.com



Thales https://iep.utm.edu/thales/

Anaximandros https://iep.utm.edu/anaximan/

Anaximenes https://iep.utm.edu/anaximen/

Single people:

Pythagoras https://iep.utm.edu/pythagor/

Xenophanes https://iep.utm.edu/xenoph/

Heracleitus https://iep.utm.edu/heraclit/



Parmenides https://iep.utm.edu/parmenid/

Zeno https://iep.utm.edu/zeno-par/




Anaxagoras https://iep.utm.edu/anaxagor/

Democritus https://iep.utm.edu/democrit/

Leukippos https://iep.utm.edu/leucippu/



Protagoras https://iep.utm.edu/protagor/

Gorgias https://iep.utm.edu/gorgias/


Socrates and Plato










Late Antique Period -- Early Middle Ages (4th-12th centuries)

Saint Augustine (Ausgustinus)  https://iep.utm.edu/augustin/

Pseudo Dionysius Areopagita https://iep.utm.edu/pseudodi/

Boethius https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/boethius/

Carolingian Renaissance (Alcuin, Rhabanus Maurus)

John Scotus Eriugena https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/scottus-eriugena/


The universal debate

Saint Anselm (1033-1109)



The School of Paris and Chartres (10th-13th centuries)

The St. Victor school: Hugo of St. Victor (1096-1141), Richard of St. Victor (1110-1173)

Dualists and Pantheists 13th century: the Albigensians and Cathars, Amalric of Bena (+1207), David of Dinant (1160 - c. 1217)

Islamic and Jewish philosophy: Avicenna (980-1037), Averroes (1126-1198), Moses Maimonides (1135-1204)


The heyday of scholasticism - 13th century

Guillome d'Auvergne (1190 - 1249)

Robert Grosseteste (1168-1253)

Roger Bacon (1214-1292)

Saint Bonaventure (1221-1274)

Raymundus Lullus (1232-1315)

Saint Albert the Great (1193-1280)

St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)

Latin Averroism: Brabanti Siger (1240-1284)

John Duns Scotus (c. 1265-1308)


Late Middle Ages - 14th century

William Ockham (c. 1285-1349)

Ockhamites: Jean de Mirecourt (1300-1349), Nicolas d'Autrécourt (1300-1350)

Marsilius of Padua (1275-1342)

Speculative mysticism: Eckhart Mester (1260-1327), Johannes Tauler (1300-1361), Heinrich Suso (1295-1366), Jan van Ruusbroec (1293-1381).

Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)


11 February.

Modern Times I. -- Pete Krisztián petekrisz@gmail.com

René Descartes (1561-1626)

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

Nicolas Malebranche (1638-1715)

Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677)

Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716)

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)

John Locke (1632-1704)

Isaac Newton (1643-1727)

George Berkeley (1685-1753)

David Hume (1711-1776)


18 February.

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) - Csonka Liberta libertacsonka@gmail.com



25 February.

Ethics: animal protection, animal experimentation – Szolcsányi Tibor tibor.szolcsanyi@aok.pte.hu



4 March.

Philosophy of Science - László Halász laszlohalasz@me.com


11 March.

Philosophy of Music - Alpaslan Ertüngealp aertungealp@gmail.com


18 March.

Cognitive Philosophy - Balázs Kékesi


25 March.

Applied Philosophy: Fake News - András Ferenc andrasf2011@gmail.com

Understanding and intention.

Wrong vs fake news.

Lying vs telling the truth; being true and believing it to be true.


1 April.

Philosophy of Law: the Philosophy of Human Rights - György Andrássy mrandrassy@gmail.com


8 April.

Introduction to the philosophy of Artificial Intelligence - Dóra Rippl ripdor@gmail.com


29 April.

Modern Times II - Krisztián Pete


May 6.

Applied Philosophy: Media Authenticity in the Age of AI - András Ferenc
Faith, trust and acceptance.
The limits of objectivity.
Post-truth, post-reality




Study day


22 March.


11:00-12:00  The Nature of Natural Laws - László Kocsis PhD, Dr. habil,  Professor kocsis.laszlo@gmail.com


12:00-13:00 Philosophy of human-animal studies - Liberta Csonka, PhD candidate libertacsonka@gmail.com


13:00-13:30 Break


13:30-14:30 Philosophy of Science: the Vienna Circle, Science and the Humanities - Ádám Tuboly PhD, Dr. habil, senior research fellow PTE and HUN-REN, tubolyadamtamas@gmail.com


14:30-15:30 Philosophy of Science: the logic of scientific theories - László Halász, PhD laszlohalasz@me.com





Thursday, 24 April 2025


Annual conference of the doctoral school. All doctoral students are required to give a presentation on their own research topic, which is the subject of their dissertation. Doctoral colleagues and lecturers are expected to attend and are invited to give a short presentation on their work, if possible.


Please enter the title of the performance in the table below by 31 March at the latest:

