EDUC - International online courses with the University of Cagliari, Italy

Course on the Conceptual metaphors of Climate Change
EDUC is an online educational platform, a collaboration of EU countries in providing a professional framework for education at an international level.
The ongoing project targeting Conceptual metaphors of Climate change and their potential to alter conceptualization is the basis for our current EDUC course and is coordinated by Dr. Zsuzsanna Schnell, associate professor at the Faculty of Culture Education and Rural Development, at the Institute for Cultural and Social Sciences, Department of Cultural Theory and Applied Communication Studies, in collaboration with the University of Cagliari, co-teaching the course with Dr. Francesca Ervas, on the language of pragmatics, social aspects of language use, where discourse and its features can bring on social change.
Francesca Ervas Ph.D.
Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, University of Cagliari, Italy
Zsuzsanna Schnell Ph.D.
Department of Cultural Theory and Applied Communication Studies
University of Pécs, Hungary
The joint course covers issues in metacognition, applied aspects of cognitive linguistics, cognitive psychology and intercultural pragmatic research on conceptual metaphor, discourse and cross-cultural pragmatics, investigating the social use of language and the effect of conceptualization on social behavior across cultures.
The collaboration started in 2020 and has been successfully going on, involving students from several different countries and cultures (mainly from, but not restricted to, the collaborating two universities of Italian and Hungarian students, and from Paraguay, Equador, USA, The Netherlands, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Tunisia, Turkey, Japan, Russia, China).
Our EDUC participation in the topic: Conceptual metaphors of climate change (2022-23 Academic year Fall/Spring term).
Information on the joint online intercultural courses from previous years
University of Cagliari, Italy on EDUC collaboration with the University of Pécs
Italy Uni Cagliari Website with our Faculty link about the reflections of the students
Reflections from students on Uni Pécs FCE Faculty website
Co-authored results of the collaboration from joint courses in the previous semesters
Conference lecture:
Schnell, Zs. – Ervas, Francesca (2021). Intercultural discussion of conceptual universals in discourse. Joint online methodology to bring about social change through novel conceptualizations of Covid-19. DN21 Discourse Net Conference Budapest, Hungary, 2021 20-22 October.
Schnell, Z., Ervas, F. Intercultural discussion of conceptual universals in discourse: joint online methodology to bring about social change through novel conceptualizations of Covid-19. Nature - Humanit Soc Sci Commun 9, 215 (2022).
Ervas, F. – Schnell. Zs. (in press). Irony across cultures – A contrastive analysis of conceptualizations and social functions. To appear in: Volume on Methods in irony and sarcasm research. John Benjamins Publishing House.
Applied aspects of our research